what is melanoma

Symptoms of Skin Cancer

Widely recognized as one of the most common forms of cancer in the world, skin cancer can be readily treated if diagnosed early. With that in mind, it is vital to recognize symptoms of skin cancer as soon as possible in order to secure the best chance of recovery. There are two forms of skin cancer, melanoma, and non-melanoma and the symptoms of each are detailed below in the hope of encouraging quick recognition and speedy diagnosis.

Symptoms of Skin Cancer on Face

Symptoms of Skin Cancer on the Face

Skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world and is acknowledged to be closely linked to sun exposure or exposure to UV rays. Because of this, the face is an especially vulnerable body part as it is one of the most exposed areas. This means that skin cancer on the face is especially common and recognizing symptoms quickly can lead to more successful and less invasive treatment. Skin cancer can produce a number of symptoms and it is important to recognize all of them in order to reduce vulnerability of a late diagnosis. Below are some of the most common symptoms associated with skin cancer located on the face.

Where does melanoma start

Types of skin cancer moles

If you are diagnosed with skin cancer you may have been told that you have a particular type of skin cancer mole and this may be the first time you have become aware that there are different types. It is worth knowing what these are as different melanoma and skin cancer types are as they can have vastly different outcomes and treatments.

Skin Moles

Skin mole check

Conducting a simple skin mole check on your skin at least once every month is the perfect way to help you to notice any changes that might be happening and to have them checked out at an early stage. Your skin mole check should be based on the same checks that your doctor would carry out but can be helped along with the use of photos and online apps.

Melanoma symptoms pictures

Melanoma symptoms pictures

Many of us will put off doing important things like getting ourselves checked by the doctor because we might think our symptoms are not worth their time. But when it comes to skin cancer there really is no time like the present and if you can arm yourself with pictures of your melanoma symptoms, you really have something to show the doctor that can help with diagnosis. Taking melanoma symptoms pictures is well worth the time and effort.

What is nodular melanoma?

As one of the more serious types of skin cancer, nodular melanoma is one that you should be on the lookout for. It has some distinct differences from the types of melanomas you may be aware of – making it sometimes harder to detect. Knowing what is nodular melanoma is a great start and will certainly put you in a much better position and able to identify the signs at a much earlier stage.

Early skin cancer pictures

Early skin cancer pictures

One of the best ways to detect skin cancer early and to prevent the spread of cancer is to take early skin cancer pictures. This might seem like an odd thing to do – but documenting your moles, early skin cancers and skin abnormalities can be crucial when it comes to identifying those skin cancers that have become worse or are potentially spreading in a life-threatening way.

Winter skin care tips 3

Winter skin care tips

When winter comes along, we all grab for the parkas and the gloves, but what should we reach for to keep our face and skin protected? The frigid conditions and dry winter air mean that hydration — and skincare— is more important than ever. Read on for some winter skincare tips that will keep your face looking as fresh as the new snow on the ground.