Skin Health in depth

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Basal cell carcinoma originate
Basal cell carcinoma

Where does basal cell carcinoma originate?

Basal cell carcinoma forms in the outer layer of the skin called the epidermis. There is some debate about which cells the cancer originates, but recent research points to epidermal stem cells as the culprit. The cancer was named after basal cells located in the lower part of the epidermis as the cancer cells look like basal cells under a microscope. Read further about where Basal Cell Carcinoma originates.

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how melanoma is diagnosed

How melanoma is diagnosed

Doctors often get asked how melanoma is diagnosed. Before a biopsy or a physical exam, they will typically ask about your symptoms. They might ask you when your mole or growth first appeared if it is bleeding, oozing, crusting or painful, or if it has evolved or changed over time.

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How to do a skin cancer check yourself?

Skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer, so looking for it is very important for your health. We recommend that you even perform a check of your entire body every month, especially if you have a history of skin cancer. Because the earlier it is found the more likely it can be cured. To do a skin cancer check by yourself you will need the SkinVision app, a full-length mirror, a hand mirror, and two chairs. You may also need a lamp in case you’re in a dimly lit room or to check less visible parts of your body.

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Skin Moles

Detection of skin melanoma

Skin cancer, including melanoma, is the most common form of cancer and affects millions each year. If detected early, however, it is also one of the easiest to treat and cure. Undetected and untreated, a skin melanoma will spread rapidly and lead to secondary malignant tumors elsewhere. Easy to say, the detection of skin melanoma is important.

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melanoma development

About melanoma development

Of the three types of skin cancers that you can develop, melanomas are the most dangerous, but also the rarest. If you develop one, it is because the DNA of your skin has been damaged and is unable to repair itself. The unrepaired skin cells mutate and multiply rapidly leading to malignant tumours. But that’s not all about melanoma development.

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are moles dangerous

Are moles dangerous?

Are moles dangerous? In and of themselves, moles are not dangerous. A mole is just an area of skin with extra pigment. The pigment gathers in a rounded shape, which is sometimes raised, and this is the mole.

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symptoms of melanoma skin cancer
Skin cancer symptoms

Symptoms of melanoma skin cancer

If you see a new spot or new mole on your body that is itchy, feels painful or bleeds, get it checked out immediately by your doctor. The symptoms of melanoma skin cancer vary tremendously so it’s important to make sure any blemish or irregular-looking mole is investigated and treated.

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Combination skin

There are a lot of different skin types. Some of them are more sensitive or pose a higher risk for skin diseases. Others might need a lot more taking care of, which is the case with combination skin. Combination skin is basically a mix of different skin types, and it is common for both men and women. So how to deal with this kind of skin?

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Red spots on skin
Red spots

Red spots on skin

It is important to recognize and have a medical assessment on any changes to your skin to minimize the risk of any serious complaints such as skin cancer or melanoma. Red spots on skin can be unsightly and accompanied by a number of other complaints and so it is vital to seek medical attention at the earliest opportunity to ensure that any conditions can be effectively and quickly treated.

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Melanoma symptoms pictures
Skin lesions

Skin lesions

Our skin sometimes seems to have a will of its own. While we try to take good care of our skin to make it smooth and looking healthy, skin lesions or other anomalies may appear. There are quite a few skin lesions that could occur on your skin, and while some of them pose a threat – the majority can be dealt with pretty easily. Let’s take a look at the different skin lesions that are common, and what they mean for your skin.

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