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Skin care tips

Natural skin care tips

Natural skincare may bring to mind dubious mud treatments or green, plant-based concoctions. But natural skincare is more than hippie-inspired treatments or earthy packaging. There are many natural skincare tips that we would all do well to follow, especially if we care about the ingredients going into our body and on our skin. Below we go over a few of the best natural skincare tips to make your daily routine a little simpler and a little cleaner.

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Skin care tips

Sensitive combination skin: how to treat it

If you were asking how to treat sensitive combination skin, the reply would probably be “very gently”. Combination skin is tricky enough to look after as the mix of oily and dry patches can lead to problems getting the balance just right. But throw sensitivity into the mix and you have a whole new kettle of fish. So what are the best ways to treat sensitive combination skin?

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Skin care tips

How to treat oily combination skin?

Caring for combination skin is a challenge. With more than one skin type to consider, it takes more consideration than just slathering one product all over. It can be even trickier when your combination veers towards the oily skin side. Below we go over some basic tips about how to care for oily-combination skin to make your daily skin care routine as easy and effective as possible.

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Combination or oily skin: what’s the difference?

When trying to determine skin type, there is one distinction that trips a lot of people up: combination skin vs. oily skin. While these two skin types share many similarities, they also have a tell-tale difference. Below we define both skin types so you can determine yours and find a skincare routine that works for you.

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Supplements for healthy skin
Skin care tips

Supplements for healthy skin

These days there are supplements claiming to do everything from strengthening your nails to lowering your cholesterol. The supplements industry is large and largely unregulated. That’s why it’s important to understand what supplements are actually good for your health and which ones are just trying to sell you false hope. Another reason why you’ll want to take note is that supplements can actually be harmful and damaging to healthy skin if taken incorrectly. So before you jump at the next wonder vitamin or mineral to try, do your research and consult your doctor.

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Skincare routine for men
Skin care tips

Skincare routine for men

Skincare and men are two words that people generally don’t associate with each other. But there is nothing “girly” about skincare — all genders have skin that needs taking care of. And the truth is, taking care of your skin doesn’t have to come with a million steps and products attached. Below, we go over a simple and low-maintenance skincare routine that will leave your skin looking fresh and prevent it from aging prematurely.

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What to eat for healthy skin
Skin care tips

What to eat for healthy skin

It has been said that we are what we eat and when it comes to our skin, this certainly seems true. Any teenager will be able to tell you that they get more spots when they eat more junk food or those with food allergies might be able to tell they have eaten a trigger food by the rash on their face. So what to eat for healthy skin which? Skin that is is smooth, supple, spot-free and clear of infections and damage?

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Daily skin care routine for combination skin

Combination skin presents many skincare challenges to deal with. Oily in some places, dry in others, it can be difficult to know how to treat the whole. But with a few combination skincare tips in mind, it is possible to create a daily skincare routine that meets all of the different needs of combination skin in a few simple steps.

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Different skin types: the complete overview

When it comes to taking care of your skin, identifying your skin type is the first step. Before buying cleansers, moisturizers or foundations, you should understand how your skin behaves and why. Here are five general skin type categories that most skin products are designed for. Do you recognize yours? Find out what it means for your daily skincare routine.

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Oily Skin Type
Skin care tips

Oily Skin Type: how to treat and what are the symptoms

For oily skin types, skincare can often feel like a constant battle of blotting sheets and face powder — anything to mask the shine. But your skin isn’t the enemy and taking care of it doesn’t always have to be a fight. With a few basic skincare tips, you can care for your shiny pores in a way that works with your skin’s natural, not against it.

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