Beauty bloggers guide to summer skin health 1

Beauty bloggers guide to summer skin health

As the northern hemisphere is enjoying the summer right now, taking care of our skin is more important than ever. As you may know, the sun has two sides to it: we enjoy the sun and take vitamin D from it, but at the same time it’s the biggest cause of skin cancer. That’s why we asked a few of our favorite beauty & skincare bloggers to share their summer skin health tips with you.

How skin cancer can be prevented 2

How skin cancer can be prevented

Skin cancer is now the most common form of cancer. Which means that something has to change. We need to be more aware of the risks of skin cancer, which symptoms will occur, and how we can make sure that we find skin cancer early so it can be treated. Even better still, we need to know how to prevent skin cancer. Let’s take a look at the most important precautions you can take.

Where is skin cancer found? 3

Where is skin cancer found?

The short answer is that skin cancer can be found anywhere; however, certain skin cancers are more likely to occur in certain places. Below we go over where skin cancer is typically found in the most common forms of skin cancer. 

What skin care products do dermatologists recommend? 4

What skin care products do dermatologists recommend?

Skincare is not an easy topic to discuss. With so many possibilities to set up a skincare routine – and so many products to choose, chances are you might get lost in all of these choices. So let’s ask the experts, shall we? Dermatologists see and treat people’s skin every day. They know what affects the skin and how to take the best care of it. So: what skincare products do dermatologists recommend? We sat down with two of them to find out.

Skin cancer fatigue: what can you do? 5

Skin cancer fatigue: what can you do?

When we take a look at public communities like Patientslikeme, it shows that one of the most common symptoms of a skin cancer diagnosis is fatigue. Skin cancer fatigue is, therefore, something that a large group of people has to deal with every day. So what can you do?

Are skin cancer spots painful?

Are skin cancer spots painful? In short, sometimes. Painful or itchy spots can be an indication of skin cancer, but skin cancer lesions are not always painful. What’s important is recognizing the other warning signs of skin cancer so that you can identify a cancerous or pre-cancerous growth should one appear on your skin.