Skin Health in depth

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Skin health

Corporate health

In recent years it has become more and more obvious to business owners that a healthy workforce is also a productive one. Not only do employees who feel well, work well, but they are less likely to incur additional costs to the company in terms of sick pay or loss of profit. In response to this need to encourage health, corporations are now starting to use internal health programs to monitor and improve the wellness of their staff.

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SkinVision Blue Background

How does melanoma affect the body?

Melanoma is an aggressive form of skin cancer that affects the body in many ways. Usually first appearing as a new mole or skin growth, melanoma can spread deeper into the body if left untreated. How melanoma affects the body is a key question for newly diagnosed patients.

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melanoma originate

Where does melanoma originate?

Know where Melanoma Originates. Melanoma begins in melanocyte cells found in the innermost layer of the epidermis (the top layer of our skin). It occurs when those cells behave abnormally, growing excessively and taking over surrounding tissues.

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Itchy moles
Itchy spots

Why does my mole itch? (and how to know if it’s melanoma)

Melanoma can have many different symptoms, one of which is itching. While an itchy mole is not always a sign of skin cancer, it is important to know if it’s necessary to worry. In this post, we go through some common causes of an itchy mole and the warning signs you should be aware of.

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Skincare tips for men

Many may bristle at the words “skincare tips for men”. But a basic skincare regimen can do wonders for even the most reluctant of men. Knowing the basics of how to care for your skin helps prevent breakouts, dry skin or premature aging from occurring. And skincare doesn’t have to mean high maintenance either! Below we go over a few simple steps every man can take to improve the look and feel of his skin.

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Melanoma that looks like a freckle

Melanoma is a scary disease because it can often look quite similar to harmless-looking blemishes, like a mole or a freckle.

According to DermNet New Zealand, about 75% of melanomas are new spots that appear in otherwise normal-looking skin. The rest will from an existing mole or spot. The key to early detection is knowing the warning signs that distinguish the harmless from the dangerous with freckles and moles.

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melanoma metastasize

Where does melanoma metastasize?

Melanoma is aggressive cancer with a high likelihood of metastasis. Melanoma metastasize means that the melanoma has spread from its initial site in the body. This occurs in stage 3 and stage 4 of the four stages of melanoma.

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Where does melanoma start

Where does melanoma start?

Melanoma can appear anywhere on the body, both for men and women. But there are some indicators that are possible signs of melanoma. Some places that can be described as ‘hidden’, where melanoma skin cancer can occur as well. So where does melanoma start?

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So how common is Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Squamous Cell Carcinoma

How common is squamous cell carcinoma?

Skin cancers are by far the most common type of cancer, next to being the fastest-growing cancer as well. To illustrate that with a number: in the US alone, estimates from several cancer organizations state that about 5.4 million Basal and Squamous Cell skin cancers are diagnosed each year. The most common type of skin cancer is Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC) – 8 out of 10 diagnoses are of this type. So how common is Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC)?

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