Skin Health in depth

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What is nodular melanoma?

As one of the more serious types of skin cancer, nodular melanoma is one that you should be on the lookout for. It has some distinct differences from the types of melanomas you may be aware of – making it sometimes harder to detect. Knowing what is nodular melanoma is a great start and will certainly put you in a much better position and able to identify the signs at a much earlier stage.

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Early skin cancer pictures
Skin cancer

Early skin cancer pictures

One of the best ways to detect skin cancer early and to prevent the spread of cancer is to take early skin cancer pictures. This might seem like an odd thing to do – but documenting your moles, early skin cancers and skin abnormalities can be crucial when it comes to identifying those skin cancers that have become worse or are potentially spreading in a life-threatening way.

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Symptoms of Skin Cancer on Face

Early melanoma pictures

One thing we should all know about skin cancer (and eventually all types of cancer) is that an early diagnosis can save lives. Because cancer is most treatable at early stages you have to be aware of the self-check methods. In this post, we gather early melanoma pictures that you can compare to any suspicious moles you may have. This will help you identify skin cancer in time.

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What causes skin lesions?
Skin lesions

Primary Skin Lesions

Skin lesions come in many different forms and can be symptoms of a variety of diseases and underlying issues. There are eleven types of primary skin lesions that can occur on our skin. Take a look at the main types below and learn more about how to identify them on your skin.

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Skin care routine

How to get healthy skin

Our skin is the largest organ we have in our body and it is ever-changing, growing and developing. We put it through all kinds of destructive behavior including sun exposure, pollution, exposure to irritants such as chemicals and yet somehow it always seems to bounce right back. But if you want to know how to get healthy skin, you will know that you need to do a little more than simply live in it – you need to look after it.

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Cancerous skin moles

Symptoms of melanoma cancer

Knowing the very early symptoms of melanoma cancer will help you to know when is the best time to visit your doctor – because early treatment is one of the most important factors when it comes to recovery from skin cancer. But you won’t know to visit your doctor if you don’t have an awareness of those early signs to watch out for. Our list of early (and later) symptoms of melanoma cancer will help you to get that all-important treatment.

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other symptoms of melanoma

Other symptoms of melanoma

Most of us know the basics when it comes to spotting the signs of melanoma. We know our ABCDEs, we inspect our moles and we try our best to track changes in our skin over time. But sometimes melanoma presents itself in more insidious ways that we may not have considered. So what are the other symptoms of melanoma?

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Cancerous skin moles
Skin cancer

Cancerous skin moles

Skin cancer usually forms from a new or changing mole. Despite this fact, our moles are often something we pay no mind to. But the key to catching cancerous skin moles early, while it is still treatable, is paying attention to our moles and knowing when they might be cancerous. Below, we discuss the warning signs of cancerous moles so that you know when it may be time to visit a doctor.

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What causes skin lesions?
Itchy spots

Itchy red spots on skin

At some point in your life, you are likely to develop itchy red spots on your skin. In most cases, these will disappear as mysteriously as they arrived, but in others, they can be the start of a longer and more uncomfortable problem with itchy and red skin. We have listed some of the more common causes of itchy red spots, but always remember to see your doctor for an official diagnosis.

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